Sunday, April 03, 2011

Flying lessons - first solo

Wow, yesterday I got to do my first solo flight. What a buzz.

I was not expecting it at all, I have looked at the syllabus on Fri night and it looked like I have to do glide approach, flapless landings, going around and aborted takeoffs, so I assumed a few weekends worth.

We did a few circuits and I was goiung quite well, then one landing it all seemed a bit long, got near the end of the runway and so did not do a touch & go, the the instructor got me to look at the flaps, still up! He had pulled the circuit breaker so the flap lever did not do anything and I didn't notice, but he was pleased. Next circuit he did a simulated engine failure after take off, and then it was a glide approach, on late finals and there was an aircraft stuffing around on the end of the runway so we went around. The sweat was flowing at this point.

Normal circuit next time and he asks me to do a full stop landing. Bugger I thought, I'd like to get a few more in, its a fantastic day. Then he springs it on me, how about doing one on my own!

Cool I say trying to look cool and failing badly. But it all worked out well, the plane & I did a circuit and came back in one piece, a reasonably acceptable landing too.

As I said, what a buzz. The instructor & I worked it out afterward, I had 7.5 hrs dual flying before going solo which the instructor says is good, especially for an older student, apparently most people take 12 - 15 hrs.

Well I need to make sure I concentrate on the flying and not let things go to my head.

But I won't forget that flight for a long time.

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