Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Games and beaches

Duncan at hot water beachThe two memories I think I will take away from this little holiday is about games and beaches.

The weather has been quite cool, almost cold at times, so we know that winter is just around the corner. So we have spent a lot of time as a family at the bach, reading books and playing games. We have played checkers, chess, cards(black bitch, go fish, kings and a...holes) and board games.I'm holding my own against the kids at chess, checkers & black itch, but its getting harder each time. I'll have to enjoy the brief time remaining when I can still beat them.

The other memory is my beach walks in the morning before the rest of the family has got out of bed. Tairua has a lovely beach although it slopes up quite steeply at high tide which is when I did all my walks. It makes for a tough beach to swim at as the waves will 'dump' really close to the shore and really hard for the lifeguards to launch an IRB.

The walks were very peaceful and, while I didn't solve any of life's mysteries, I certainly managed to relax and unwind on the walks.

Yesterday we went to hot water beach to look for the hot water. Unfortunately either the tide did not go out as far as it sometimes does (neap/spring tide) or the sand has moved around. We were able to get our toes in hot water by digging our feet in the sand while knee deep in water, but couldn't dig a pool to sit in hot water. Pity, but never mind.

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