Monday, June 11, 2007

Bedroom deck

I started this weekend with a swim in the sea off Takapuna beach. Good fun, but the water is definitely getting colder, I was not shivering when I got out, but it look quite a while to warm the feet up.

I had intended to pave the area immediately around the gate that goes between the front and back of the section, but Alison pointed out it should be consistent with the paving I am going to do to the front steps. But before I do that paving I need to build the deck outside the ranch slider to our bedroom.

I downloaded some instructions but found I needed to modify them as there is so little space underneath I could not put bearers under the joists, but as it is a small deck that isn't going to be a problem. So I bought the materials and, despite it being cool and drizzly the whole weekend, have managed to build all the framing necessary. All i need to do now is nail the decking in place. I have the decking, but it was wet when I bought it so waiting till next weekend allows it to dry a bit so I can stain it before I nail it down.

The weight is still at 76.5, I was a bit lower during the week but ended up where I started. I am a bit disappointed as I have kept my eating discipline well. I did go to the Mairangi Bay Surf Lifesaving prize giving on Saturday night and had 2 beers (shock! horror!) and a good helping of a really good paella, you can't stop living.

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