Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Table topics winner

I entered a Toastmaster table topics competition this morning. It was my first time entering a speaking competition and I was suprised at how nervous I was. There was no real difference between this and 'normal' table topics during a regular meeting, other than the fact that we had to wait outside, we all got the same topic and the target was 2 minutes instead of 1.

The topic was OK but boring (should AU & NZ become one country) and I thought I got through OK, but had no idea how the others went as I got to go last. We had 2 really good humerous speeched from Robin & Jon and then they announced the results. I was well chuffed, but now get to go to the area competition, that should be really nerve wracking

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Quiet weekend

I was looking forward to this weekend, there were no scouting or other activities that I was aware of and I could just relax at home. It sounded too good to be true, and it was.

The list of jobs around the house does not go away if you are busy doing other things and mine hadn't. Saturday was fairly quiet though, I did need a but of a break and the weather was wet and windy too. I did pick up the trellis to repair the fence and a whole lot of other 'stuff' I needed, then we went to Greg & Sharons for the evening.

Sunday was a bit busier, I put up the trellis to start with. Then it was replacing the security lights at the front of the house. I don't find it too much fun standing on a 3m ladder screwing fittings above my head!. Then I took Juno for a good long walk and went to Browns Bay to get Duncan's library book. Next was finishing the sanding on the balustrade and putting the first layer of Danish oil on to finish it. By then it was after 5 and I sat down for a glass of wine feeling I had done a bit of catching up.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Homebrew beer

While I was over in Aussie Phil was making some homebrew beer, which he shared with me, and I quite enjoyed.

So I put a brew down 2 weeks ago and Duncan & I have bottled it. I put another brew down on Monday so I should have a fair supply in the not too distant future.

I did do some homebrew a few years ago and did not get round to drinking it all. I was a bit dubious about drinking it now, as it was over 7 years old, but it was fine, great actually. But there is little/no chance of the current batches lasting that long.

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