We arrived at 8:00 p.m. and did registration etc. I had ticked 'Leader Patrol' on the form, not knowing really what that meant. What it did mean was being in a patrol with Mike and 4 others, doing what the kids did, which turned out to be a really good way of learning, and also having fun. Everyone got involved in setting up camp, which was a little challenging as it was completely dark, but we got it done. The kids were given supper and put to bed, but it was after midnight before the camp was quite. The leaders had a meeting to confirm what was happening the next day, and a bit of socialising, so we only got to bed around 1:30.
It was quite cold overnight, but not too wet although there was a bit of rain around. Some of the kids were up around 6:00, but officially wake up was 7:15 so we stayed put until 7:00ish. We had breakfast and got straight into the days activities which included rope work, axe work and fire setting amongst others. We then got some cooking fires lit and the kids (and the leaders or 'Pink' patrol) cooked our dinner in dutch oven, really a flat bottomed potkjie. Once we had eaten we took a bus trip to the Parakai hot pools and spent the evening there, then back to camp. Kids were down by 11:30 and I was down by 12:30 although some of the others did a bit more socializing.
Woke up to the sound of rain while warm and snug in a warm sleeping bag, a great feeling. However the pink patrol (or Pink Cadillacs as we called ourselves) were first to strike camp so we had some very wet tents in the trailer. But the sun came out mid morning and another pleasant day of activities and learnings was had by all. The happy, and tired campers were able to set off at 4:30ish.
Camp photos here
In general I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend, a combination of low expectations and then enjoying the activities, organisation and company. Also learned many thing that we can take back to our scout troop. Well worth the effort.
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